Group Class Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone: best number to reach youDog's Name *Are you already an All Dogs Gym customer?YesNoHave you previously taken any group classes with this dog? *Yes, at All Dogs GymYes, at another facilityNoWhat was the class?Where?How long ago?What class level are you interested in?Puppy KindergartenElementary SchoolMiddle SchoolHigh SchoolDog's Breed *AgeDOBSpayed/Neutered? *GenderMaleFemaleHow long have you owned this dog? *From where? *BreederPet ShopShipped from out of state (found via Internet)RescueShelterOtherIf Other, from where:Please tell us about any physical limitations that may affect your class training such as hearing, vision or mobility issues. We do our best to meet the needs of all studentsIf your dog has any physical problems, temperament issues or disabilities which may affect training, please tell usPlease list 3 behaviors you'd like to address.Please tell us about any problem behaviors you may be experiencing. Check all that apply. *Barking at strangersGrowling at strangersBarking at other dogs (on leash)Lunging at dogs (on leash)Growling at dogs (on leash)Fearful in new situationsFearful or shy with some people, especially new peopleNips peopleBites peopleProtective of food, objects, or peopleNone of thesePlease describe any behaviors checked off above. Please note, some behaviors may not be appropriate for a group class setting.Additional Behavior NotesFor some behavior issues, we may recommend a one-on-one private session to determine whether a group class is the appropriate setting for dealing with this behavior. If you have any questions, please e-mail NameSubmit