Today’s Alchemy Activity du Jour is teaching come when called. We start with a Hand Touch, which, If you haven’t trained it yet, you’ll find instructions on our website Alchemy Activities du Jour. Train in any room of your home, then in different rooms, and take it outside.
Use any cue word you want such as “come” or “here.” We use “here” mainly because most dogs have been called with cue “come” and don’t come! That makes “come” an optional cue—and we want the recall cue to be absolute. So if you’ve used “come” already, and your dog has learned to ignore it sometimes, change to a different cue.
Have fun with it! And share your videos with us!
All Dogs Gym is open for Daycare, Day Boarding, Boarding, Day Training, Grooming and The Puppy Place. Let us know what we can do to help you get through this time.